10545 Victory Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91606
Modern Smiles - Dentist North Hollywood
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Custom Mouthguards

Custom Athletic and Oral Appliances

Athletic mouthguards are common enough that you can find a one-size-fits-all option in most stores or online shops. However, like any dental treatment, they’re most effective when they’re custom-designed according to your unique dentition. At our office, we utilize advanced digital technology to precisely design a mouthguard that offers optimal protection and comfort for each patient. At our North Hollywood dentist’s office, we use the same advanced techniques to design oral appliances for treatment options such as addressing nighttime teeth-grinding. Its custom, highly precise design makes the appliance comfortable enough not to interrupt your sleep while effectively protecting your teeth from grinding against each other.

Digitally Designed Mouthguards

Digital X-rays and 3D imaging technology allow your dentist to take highly detailed measurements and molds of your teeth and oral structures. You can enjoy optimal treatment without having to endure messy, uncomfortable molding material, and with the comfort that can only come from personalized treatment.

Better, More Customized Protection for Your Teeth

Custom-designed mouthguards offer better and more comfortable protection for your teeth, whether it’s for athletic or oral health purposes. To learn more, schedule a consultation with your North Hollywood, CA, dentist by calling Modern Smiles today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.