Let’s Address That Cavity With A Dental Filling
Taking care of your smile is a process that you might not give much thought to every day, but it is essential to optimal oral health. You see, your smile’s health is affected by more than just the frequency at which you brush, and in-office dental visits are necessary to provide your teeth the chance they need for peak health. This means that when oral bacteria or other germs begin to wreak havoc on your structures, restorative care is sought with efficiency. In today’s blog, your North Hollywood, CA dentist takes a look at the way oral bacteria destroy your tooth structure to create cavities, and how a dental filling mitigates this concern.
It Will Only Get Worse
Whether you are aware of it or not, dental issues are not going to disappear on their own. Unlike a traditional headache or upset stomach, toothaches are only indicative of complications. For example, the infection in a tooth that creates the cavity may have spread and damaged your nerves, causing any sensation to be a painful one. But how does this process begin?
You see, tooth decay occurs when oral bacteria that are present in the mouth seek refuge and successfully evade your preventive measures. When you consume foods, they feed off of sugar particles contained in the food, which causes them to produce a destructive acid. This acid is what causes your structure to erode, and the bacteria continue feeding and producing this acid in an incessant manner.
Because the infection continues to spread, it places your surrounding or neighboring teeth at risk as well. In other words, tooth decay will continue to cause damage to your grin until there is nothing left to target. For more information about this process, give our team a call today.
Preventing Major Complications
If decay is allowed to spread, it can and will quickly get out of control. As such, it is best to act as soon as possible and seek treatment to prioritize your oral health. One such way includes receiving a dental filling.
A dental filling appointment will consist of carefully but thoroughly cleaning the cavity, removing damaged tissues, and filling the open hole with a composite resin material. Once the material has been shaped to satisfaction, it is cured using a special light.
Benefits of Composite Resin
Composite resin is an ideal solution for cavities and decay, as it provides reinforcement for your tooth. It also provides cosmetic benefits in that it can be shade-matched to your smile’s natural hue.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Contact Modern Smiles in North Hollywood, CA by calling 818-763-9353 to learn how you can ensure you are taking care of your smile thoroughly, or schedule your next visit with our team today.