What Porcelain Veneers Can Fix Beyond a Tooth’s Appearance
Porcelain veneers have long been a popular solution for addressing cosmetic dental concerns of all types. Unlike other cosmetic dental treatments, which are typically designed to address one or two highly specific issues, porcelain veneers are designed to take a more complete approach to improving a tooth’s appearance. This involves completely restoring the tooth’s visible front structure with a highly lifelike, durable, custom-designed shell of dental porcelain, known as a veneer. Besides making them more versatile, the unique ability of porcelain veneers to completely restore your tooth’s visible structure can also have several important benefits for improving other aspects of your oral health.
A tooth’s ability to function properly
When a tooth exhibits certain types of cosmetic blemishes, such as excessive wear on its surface or a discrepancy with its size, shape, and/or symmetry, it can also impact the tooth’s role in your bite’s overall function. Improving the tooth’s appearance by placing a veneer on its surface to make it more symmetrical and in-line with your smile’s contour will also improve the tooth’s overall functionality. This can significantly benefit your immediate and long-term oral health, as well as reduce your risks of experiencing dental problems related to improper or imbalanced bite function.
Your bite’s overall balance
The balance of your bite is one of the main avenues through which a blemish to your tooth’s structure can impact your bite’s function. This balance is the culmination of several different factors, not just your tooth’s shape and symmetry, which means certain types of tooth blemishes can have far-reaching impacts on other aspects of your bite. For example, if your tooth is worn-down or broken in a way that changes how it meets the opposite tooth, the imbalance can place additional stress on your other teeth and/or your jaw joints. A custom-made porcelain veneer can help restore this balance by restoring your tooth’s healthy shape and symmetry in a minimally invasive manner.
Damage to your tooth’s structure
Concerns like tooth wear and minor cracks are considered cosmetic blemishes when they’re minor because, for the time being, they don’t always pose a significant threat. However, the results of these blemishes on your oral health and bite function can make the damage to your tooth structure and oral health increasingly worse over time. One of the more important benefits of choosing porcelain veneers is their ability to restore the health and integrity of your tooth structure while minimizing any changes to that structure in preparation for your treatment.
Find out if veneers can fix your smile
With their lifelike appearance and durable construction, porcelain veneers can do more than just improve your smile’s appearance, but also improve several important aspects of its health and function. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smile in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.