Watch What You Eat And Drink!
When our doors open again, your Burbank, CA, dentist will be here with the latest in cosmetic dental care to brighten smiles and address multiple issues with a smile’s appearance. In the meantime, you will need to protect your smile while staying inside. Which means watching what you eat and drink is crucial, as these factors could change how your teeth look, and even impact overall oral health.
The Causes of Discoloration
Did you know your snack habits and favorite beverages could lead to teeth stains? Certain beverages could contain tannins and dark pigments, which leave behind unsightly yellow and brown stains over time. Examples include coffee, red wine, soda, and tea. To help keep your teeth bright, be sure you cut back on these items, or follow them with a glass of water to help cleanse you smile. Remember, the beverages high in sugar, like soda, could also increase the risk of issues like tooth decay and gum disease!
Tooth Decay and Gum Disease
How does sugar lead to cavities and periodontal disease? Well, the sugar particles are left behind, on and between your teeth. Over time, harmful bacteria will break down these particles and in the process, elevates oral acidity and then coat the teeth in plaque buildup. Plaque then weakens outer enamel, exposing sensitive inner structures to bacteria and allowing cavities to form. The buildup also inflames gum tissues, leading to gingivitis. As your gums begin to feel sore, look red, or bleed easily, then you could be at risk of developing gum disease too! To protect your smile, you need to pick foods and drinks that are better for your smile.
Healthier Snack and Drink Options
Try to cut back on sugary items like candies or sodas. Instead, enjoy fresh fruit and veggies, low-fat yogurts, nuts, whole grain crackers. These items not only contain low amounts of sugars, but also contain vitamins and nutrients that could strengthen your smile and your overall health too. Drink more water and cut back on items like soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks. Along with a healthier diet, you should also take steps to help remove trapped food particles. We suggest brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day, once in the morning and again at night. You also need to floss thoroughly each night before bed.
Would You Like to Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry?
Our team wants to help our patients enjoy stunning new smiles with high-end cosmetic treatment options. For more information on improving overall smile beauty, then schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smiles in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.