The Most Common Reasons Why People Lose Teeth
Ever since dental implants became routine solutions for replacing lost teeth, patients can rest easier knowing that they have a lifelike way to rebuild their smiles if they experience tooth loss. However, many people still mistakenly believe that tooth loss is inevitable, especially if older members of their family have experienced it. Today, we examine the most common reasons why people lose teeth, and how patients in North Hollywood can avoid it by addressing these issues early.
Severe gum disease
Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. That’s because as it progresses, the disease destroys the tissues and structures that your teeth rely on for support (i.e., gum tissues, periodontal ligaments, and jawbone). Fortunately, you can prevent gum disease or control it in its early stages with periodontal cleaning and a more effective hygiene routine.
Extensive tooth infection
Besides gum disease eroding your supportive structures, teeth becoming severely infected is another reason why they’re often lost. In many cases, the infection (known as tooth decay) is detected and treated long before the tooth is lost. However, in severe cases, or when a tooth is fractured enough to expose its nerves and tissues, internal decay can become serious enough to force the need for tooth extraction and replacement.
Emergencies and accidents
Even if you do a great job of keeping your teeth and gums and healthy, you might still experience tooth loss due to accidental trauma or a dental emergency. For instance, if your tooth is knocked out of its socket or too damaged to repair, then you might not be able to avoid tooth loss. However, you can rebuild your smile with a lifelike dental implant restoration to lower your risks of losing more teeth.
Find the Best Way to Replace Your Lost Teeth
Tooth loss may still be common, but the frequent causes behind it can usually be prevented with proper dental care and maintenance. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smile in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.