What Does Scaling and Root Planing Mean?
There is more than one type of professional dental cleaning, though standard cleaning (known as prophylaxis) is the only one that every patient needs to receive routinely. Another form of cleaning, known as deep cleaning (or scaling and root planing), can be recommended if you’re at an especially high risk for gum disease or have already begun to show signs of gingivitis. For patients in North Hollywood, CA, scaling and root planing could be the best way to stop gingivitis in its tracks and restore your good periodontal health before your gum disease grows worse.
When Dental Cleaning Isn’t Enough
Dental cleaning is the process of professionally cleaning harmful plaque and tartar from your teeth surfaces. Generally, this prevents the bacteria in the biofilms from having time to attack your teeth and gums. However, if certain bacteria work their underneath your gums between dental visits, then regular cleaning won’t be able to remove them. From underneath your gums, the bacteria settle on your teeth roots, causing inflammation and irritation that causes the gums to separate. To stop this separation and the progression of your gum disease, we can remove the bacterial plaque and tartar from your teeth roots by scaling and planing them.
What the Procedure Involves
Deep periodontal cleaning involves accessing your teeth roots, which aren’t as easily accessible as the visible crowns of your teeth. First, your dentist will carefully clean the films of plaque and tartar from your teeth roots to remove the cause of your gum disease. Then, your dentist will carefully smooth the root surfaces to make it more difficult for plaque to accumulate on them until your next dental visit. After your procedure is complete, your gums can heal and reattach to your teeth roots, restoring your good periodontal and oral health.
Learn if You Can Benefit from Scaling and Root Planing
With personalized scaling and root planing, you can effectively restore your good periodontal health before gum disease becomes more significant. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smile in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.