Transforming Smiles Completely With Veneers
When we can safely open our doors, we look forward to helping residents of North Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities obtain brighter and more attractive smiles. One way we accomplish this is with porcelain veneers, a unique treatment that completely transforms the shade and shape of the teeth in as little as two visits! In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about the benefits of these cosmetic restorations.
Creating a Custom Cosmetic Restoration
Our smiles are all different, so a restoration designed to improve the beauty of each smile should be different to. We start the process by carefully removing the outer enamel from the surfaces of the teeth receiving them. Next, we take a series of impressions and images of the teeth. We use the information to design the veneer, and then we fabricate the thin restoration from porcelain. We employ porcelain because not only is the material strong and durable, but it can be shaded to match the color of surrounding teeth. The result is a veneer that blends seamlessly with your smile.
Placement and Benefits
After we create the veneer, we will check the fit and using a powerful bonding agent, place it onto the front facing sides of the teeth. We’ve used them to mask permanent teeth stains, the kind that don’t respond to traditional whitening systems. We can also lengthen worn down teeth and provide repair for minor chips and cracks. We can close gaps between the teeth as well and even correct the appearance of minor misalignment, so you can potentially enjoy an alternative to braces or aligners.
Protecting Smiles from Home
If you have issues with the appearance of your smile, remember that once our doors can open again, we can correct these concerns with custom-made porcelain veneers. In the meantime, we’re still available for emergency treatments, such as repairs for damaged teeth or to correct cavities or dental infections. When you arrive, we make sure you don’t share the waiting room with other people, and our team members will clean and disinfect surfaces in between each visit. By following these strict health and safety guidelines, we’re ready to address serious concerns and safeguard your overall health in the process. If you have any questions about our approach to better smiles, then please contact our team today.
Do You Have Questions About Obtaining Bright Smiles?
Our team employs high-end technology and treatment options to help people achieve noticeable brighter smiles. For more information on our approach to cosmetic dentistry, or about what you can do to enjoy a healthier smile from home, then schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smiles in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.