Gum Contouring
Reshaping Your Gums with Lasers
A gummy smile is the non-official but highly accurate way to describe gum tissues that cover uneven portions of your teeth. Even when your teeth are healthy and free of blemishes, a gummy smile can make them seem uneven and out of alignment. Gum contouring is cosmetic dentistry’s answer to correcting the issue and improving your smile’s entire appearance. At our North Hollywood cosmetic dentist’s office, we make the process even more comfortable and effective by utilizing advanced laser technology. Laser gum contouring enhances the results of your procedure by reducing discomfort, creating a more precise gum line, and making your healing process much more comfortable than traditional surgical treatment.
The Advantages of Laser Gum Contouring
Correcting an uneven gum line comes with several benefits beyond improving your smile’s appearance. For instance, a straighter gum line is easier to keep clean and free of oral bacteria with daily hygiene, which reduces your risks of developing progressive gum disease. By performing your treatment with advanced laser technology, you can also enjoy several additional benefits, including:
- Greatly reduced chances of trauma to surrounding tissues
- More precise symmetry for your entire gum line
- Better gum-to-tooth structure ratio
- Significantly less discomfort during and after treatment
- No need for sutures while healing
- Reduced risk of infection during healing
- And more
Benefit from Laser Gum Contouring
Gum contouring is an excellent way to trim and reshape an uneven gum line, which not only improves the esthetics of your smile, but also improves your periodontal and oral health. To learn more, schedule a consultation with your North Hollywood, CA, cosmetic dentist by calling Modern Smiles today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.