10545 Victory Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91606
Modern Smiles - Dentist North Hollywood
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Porcelain Veneers

Advanced Smile Makeovers with Veneers

The problem with cosmetic smile issues is that they don’t always occur one at a time. For many patients, improving their smiles requires addressing multiple issues at once, such as stains, chips, cracks, gaps, and other different types of blemishes. Rather than coming up with a different solution for each issue, your dentist may suggest improving most or all of them at once with an appropriate number of custom-designed porcelain veneers. Made from highly lifelike and biocompatible materials, such as E-Max and dental porcelain, veneers are thins shells that are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. Your North Hollywood cosmetic dentist will design each shell according to highly precise digital measurements of your teeth, ensuring the most lifelike results for your new smile.

The Different Benefits of Veneers

Because of their highly lifelike appearance and ability to address most cosmetic dental concerns, porcelain veneers are among the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments. Their ability to completely rejuvenate the visible portions of your teeth makes them ideal in many different situations. The many different benefits of veneers include:

A New Smile with Custom Veneers

Highly lifelike porcelain veneers are among the versatile cosmetic dentistry options available, and can often provide a complete makeover for smiles that have multiple issues. To learn more, schedule a consultation with your North Hollywood, CA, cosmetic dentist by calling Modern Smiles today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.