3 Tips for Avoiding Tooth Loss
Given how often it occurs, it’s natural to assume that tooth loss is something you’ll have to deal with at some point in your life. The truth, though, is that tooth loss isn’t something that’s destined to happen. In fact, the most common causes of tooth loss are preventable, and even if you’ve already experienced it, you still have a good chance of preventing tooth loss from occurring again with the right care and maintenance. Today, we examine a few ways you can avoid tooth loss with help from your North Hollywood, CA, dentist.
Get better at dental hygiene
Dental hygiene seems simple, but it’s the most important thing you can do to prevent tooth loss. For example, the most common reasons for tooth loss – gum disease – is caused by excessive plaque and tartar buildup. The harmful oral bacteria that form these films continuously attack your gums, causing them to erode and pull away from your teeth. Better hygiene means a better chance at preventing gum disease, and therefore, a better chance at avoiding the tooth loss that could result from it.
Don’t grind your teeth
Besides gum disease, extensive tooth damage and infection (decay) are also common reasons for tooth loss and the need for tooth extraction. If you catch yourself grinding your teeth during the day, then make a conscious effort to stop. Placing the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower front teeth can help. However, if you suffer from bruxism, then you may need the assistance of a custom-designed oral appliance from your dentist.
Visit your dentist regularly
In addition to keeping up with good hygiene and preventing yourself from grinding your teeth together, protecting them also requires visiting your dentist regularly and following his instructions carefully. Regular cleanings ensure that your teeth and gums stay free of plaque and tartar, and routine checkups (dental examinations) will ensure that no issues are currently present that could cause trouble down the road.
Learn How You Can Prevent Tooth Loss
Tooth loss might still be common, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be prevented. To learn more about how you can prevent tooth loss, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smile in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.