Categories: Cosmetic

Two Ways We Brighten Smiles!

Do you wish your smile was brighter? We understand, as stains often form on our teeth over time. However, in order to remove these stains and offer a more attractive smile, we may suggest teeth whitening. In today’s blog, your North Hollywood, CA, dentist talks about our two unique professional whitening treatments.

Whitening at Home

Our at-home option can address more substantial cases of discoloration, and also limits tooth sensitivity in the process. Unlike store bought options, this also offers more dramatic and longer-lasting results! You stop in at the office just long enough for us to take impressions and create a set of trays. They will be made from a comfortable acrylic material and fit your smile perfectly. We send you home with the trays and a bleaching gel. The trays will be filled with gel and worn for about 30 to 45 minuets a day. The trays help ensure an even whitening, and prevent saliva from diluting the gel. After a week to ten days, you will see optimal results, with some reporting smiles brightened by several shades. You can then keep your trays and any remaining gel for touch-ups down the road as needed.

A Brighter Smile in Two Hours

If you need results faster, we have an option in our office. We first apply a protective layer to the lips and gums, then we spread the bleaching gel over the teeth. A special light is used to activate the gel’s bleaching ingredients and begin breaking up discoloration. The total process takes between one and two hours, so you leave with a brighter smile!

Safeguard Your Results

Now that you have a brighter and more attractive smile, how do you keep it that way? Well, we suggest starting with daily brushing and flossing, which helps prevent serious plaque buildup and lessens the risk of staining. Also, cut back on drinks with dark pigments, like coffee, red wine, tea, and soda. You should also avoid the sugary and starchy foods that feed bacteria and cause plaque buildup. Every six months, be sure to see us for a checkup and cleaning, so we can remove plaque and help your teeth remain bright. Avoid cigarettes and tobacco products as well. Not only will these steps help keep your teeth bright, but you reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease in the process! If you have any questions about our cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today learn more.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Consultation Today

We want to help you obtain a noticeably brighter smile. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smiles in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.


Kasra Tajik DDS

Published by
Kasra Tajik DDS

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