Why Cavities Affect Everyone (and How to Protect Your Teeth)

While everyone’s smile is unique, there are some dental issues that are common for everyone. For instance, everyone can experience teeth stains even if they keep their smiles healthy, and everyone could get a cavity if they slip even once in their dental hygiene and preventive care routines. Fortunately, everyone can also prevent cavities from forming, and therefore avoid the need for tooth decay treatment, by understanding what a cavity is and how to avoid leaving your teeth vulnerable to one.

What Is a Cavity?

A cavity is a hole, and in the context of your teeth, it’s caused by harmful oral bacteria eroding the protective enamel around them. Once this enamel is compromised, harmful oral bacteria can infect your tooth’s main structure, called dentin, and leave a hole in their wake as they continue eroding more of it.

What Makes Them Worse

Oral bacteria attack tooth enamel by producing harmful acids after metabolizing nutrients like carbohydrates. The more often they’re exposed to food and beverages, the more often they can attack your teeth, which makes you more likely that they can produce enough acid to compromise your tooth enamel. Lack of good hygiene also gives oral bacteria the chance to accumulate enough to form a cavity much quicker.

How to Prevent Them

The key to preventing a cavity is to prevent the underlying causes behind its development. For instance, if you limit snacking throughout the day, then you can inhibit the production of acid from harmful oral bacteria. If you diligently brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once, then you can control oral bacteria’s population, and consequently, their overall strength when attacking your teeth.

Learn More About Protecting Your Teeth from Cavities

Cavities may have the ability to affect virtually everyone, but with the right care and attention, you have an excellent chance of protecting your teeth for them. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smile in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353.

Kasra Tajik DDS

Published by
Kasra Tajik DDS

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