Categories: Implants

The Benefits Of Tooth Extraction And Implants

While no one ever wants to have a tooth removed, it can sometimes be the best option for your overall oral health. Whether you are suffering from tooth decay or need incoming wisdom teeth extracted, removing it can be the best course of action. Today, with advanced technology and state-of-the-art implant options, these oral surgeries are more straightforward and less intrusive than they have ever been before. In today’s blog, your North Hollywood, CA dentist discusses the times when an extraction could be necessary and the ways we can fill the gap afterward.

When Might You Need An Extraction

Removing a tooth — or several — can be necessary for numerous situations. One of the most common times your dentist or oral surgeon will suggest this is if you are having issues with your wisdom teeth. You surely have friends and loved ones who have gone through this procedure, as it is necessary for many people. Wisdom teeth are your back molars, and they can sometimes start to come in at improper angles. Additionally, they can partially erupt, making them more susceptible to bacteria. Either of these outcomes can be extremely painful and overcrowd your existing teeth. Because this can damage the rest of your smile, removing them is often the best option.

In other situations, a tooth could have significant decay that cannot be treated with traditional restorative procedures. Teeth can also suffer from external trauma if they are hit or even if you bite into something too hard. If the tooth cannot be repaired, even cosmetically, it may need to come out. Moreover, if a tooth becomes infected, it can spread throughout not only your mouth but also your body. This is a particular concern for those who have compromised immune systems. 

Your Replacement Options

Once you have a tooth extracted — or even if it comes out non-surgically — it is incredibly important to replace it as soon as possible. Not only do missing teeth not look good, but they can also damage your jawbone. Your tooth roots provide stimulation and, in turn, nutrients to the jaw. When it doesn’t receive this proper stimulation, it starts losing bone density. This causes deterioration and when this is too far gone, your face can begin to sink. Dental implants, however, provide an effective and permanent solution. Implants are titanium posts that go into your gumline and fuse with your jaw. Once it is grafted to the bone, we can place prosthetics on them, completing your smile once again. We have numerous dental implant options, so we can fully explain your options to you, and we can pick the best one for your unique needs.

Contact Us To Schedule An Appointment

If you would like to schedule an appointment to learn more about extractions and implants, contact Modern Smiles in North Hollywood, CA by calling 818-763-9353.

Kasra Tajik DDS

Published by
Kasra Tajik DDS

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