Categories: Cosmetic

Keeping Your Gums Healthy And Strong

Your gum tissues frame your smile, having a major impact on the overall esthetics of your teeth. In addition, they help secure your teeth to ensure a strong and stable smile. Which means when your gums become inflamed or your smile displays too much gum tissue, this could lead to difficulties with the health and beauty of your smile. In today’s blog, your Burbank, CA, dentist talks about protecting the health of your smile with periodontal care.

The Dangers of Periodontal Disease

When our gums become inflamed, this could lead to soreness, redness, or bleeding. This stage is known as gingivitis, and it can be reversed with a deep cleaning and routine maintenance. However, once periodontal disease forms, which follows untreated gingivitis, then there is no cure and routine treatment at home and in the office is necessary to manage it and avoid the risk of adult tooth loss. We may recommend a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planning, to remove plaque and harmful bacteria. Gum grafting can address receding tissues too. At home, be sure you brush and floss daily to help control plaque buildup. Together, we can prevent, or manage, this disease and safeguard your smile’s stability.

Gummy Smiles and Esthetic Issues

Now, let’s talk about esthetics. When we have too much gingival tissue on display, also known as a gummy smile, then your teeth could appear small or uneven. Too much tissue could also be a sign of swelling or inflammation, indicating the presence of gingivitis or periodontal disease. To help improve esthetics, we may recommend gum contouring. Using advanced technology, we carefully trim away excess tissue and reshape the gum line using advanced laser technology. This prevents damage to healthy tissues, and requires little to no anesthesia. In a single visit, we restore the health and beauty of your smile.

Periodontal Care at Home

We touched on this briefly above, but routine care at home is crucial for safeguarding the health and beauty of your smile. You should start each day, and end it, by brushing your teeth for two minutes using a fluoride toothpaste. We also suggest flossing every night before bed, as this removes what a toothbrush cannot reach. These actions help prevent serious plaque buildup and protects the gingival tissues from inflammation and disease. If you have any questions, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Gum Contouring?

With improved periodontal health comes a stronger and more attractive smile. For more information on our preventive and cosmetic treatments, then schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smiles in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities

Kasra Tajik DDS

Published by
Kasra Tajik DDS

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