Using Veneers To Provide A Smile Facelift®

5 years ago

When you talk about a facelift or removing signs of aging, you may assume we’re discussing treatment with Botox or…

Contouring Your Gumline With Dental Lasers

5 years ago

What a person suffers from a gummy smile, this could impact how the teeth look and in some cases, point…

Precise And Lifelike Cosmetic Care With Veneers

5 years ago

When you have multiple issues with the beauty and function of your teeth, then your Burbank, CA, dentist is ready…

Correcting Uneven Teeth With Clear Aligners

5 years ago

Just because you have crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, doesn’t mean you have to resort to metal orthodontics. In fact,…

A Bright Summer Smile With Teeth Whitening

5 years ago

Ready for a transformed smile this summer? Your Burbank, CA, dentist is ready to help remove your teeth stains with…

Better Facial Beauty With Réjuvapen

5 years ago

Along with Botox and Dysport, and dermal fillers, we also have another unique treatment option designed to improve the appearance…

Does Your Face Need Dermal Fillers?

5 years ago

In our last blog, we discussed how Botox and Dysport help offer a more youthful appearance and even treat issues…

Improving Oral Health And Facial Esthetics With Botox

5 years ago

Cosmetic dentistry refers to a number of different procedures. Some remove teeth stains, others transform the appearance of the teeth.…

Keeping Your Gums Healthy And Strong

5 years ago

Your gum tissues frame your smile, having a major impact on the overall esthetics of your teeth. In addition, they…

Transform Your Smile From Home

5 years ago

In our previous blog, our team discussed options for removing stains from smiles in a single visit. However, we also…