Categories: Periodontal Health

A Few Signs that You Might Have Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the most frequent chronic oral health conditions that adults have to deal with, and the severe stages of the disease are the leading factors in most cases of adult tooth loss. However, the reason why not everyone who has gum disease experiences tooth loss is because it can often be successfully treated and managed before it gets that severe. Today, we examine a few signs that could mean you have a gum disease problem, and why it’s important not to ignore the warning signs if you notice them.

The bleeding you see when you brush and floss

Bleeding in your gums when you brush and floss your teeth can be caused by other things besides gum disease. For instance, if you brush or floss too aggressively, it might cause your gums and oral tissues to bleed slightly. However, if it occurs frequently, or every time you brush and floss, then it’s more likely a sign of a problem with your gum tissues – namely, the formation of gingivitis (or early gum disease). This describes an infection in your gums that results from oral bacteria buildup, and it causes the erosion of your gum tissues that gets increasingly worse as gum disease progresses.

The bad breath that gets increasingly worse

Bad breath is another thing that most people experience sometimes, even when their teeth and gums are healthy. However, that’s usually in the form of morning breath, which can be brushed and rinsed away, or the remnants of eating pungent foods like onions, which will go away on its own in a few hours. When your bad breath is consistent and continues to grow worse, it’s usually a symptom of an underlying oral health condition, such as gum disease eroding your healthy gum tissues. Chronic bad breath could also be an early indicator of excessive bacteria buildup, and a warning to visit your dentist for preventive treatment before gum disease develops.

The recession, or pulling away, of your gums

When your gums become diseased, the irritation and inflammation in the gum tissues can cause them serious harm. Particularly, the inflamed tissues will start to pull away from the teeth that they’re meant to support and protect, leaving pockets for more oral bacteria to accumulate and cause more harm to your gums. You may notice this recession as your teeth seem to become longer in certain areas, which is actually the result of the tissues that frame the tooth receding and exposing the tooth’s root.

Find out if you need gum disease treatment

If you notice signs that your gum health might be in trouble, then it’s important to seek treatment for your gum disease as soon as possible. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Modern Smile in North Hollywood, CA, today at 818-763-9353. We also proudly serve patients who live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, and all surrounding communities.

Kasra Tajik DDS

Published by
Kasra Tajik DDS

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